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Help center for companies in times of COVID

Setesca creates the help center for the company during the time of the current pandemic.
The objective of this page is to offer a series of management actions in order to activate or, where appropriate, reinforce the business strategy and adapt it to the current situation.
It is known that we are facing a situation in which restrictions can be applied imminently, affecting and having a high impact on consumption.

That is why our companies must have capacity not only in the media but also in knowledge of how to react strategically to this situation.

From Setesca we want to put at your disposal all our knowledge and experience to help your company during these difficult times. At Setesca we are not just another consultancy, we have the best IT professionals on the market, the best solutions, a headhunting and outsourcing department of great prestige in the IT world, but also with professionals in management and business strategy training, which allows us to to be able to evaluate your case and make the recommendations according to your type of company.

Do not hesitate and contact us without obligation, we will be happy to help you and be your IT partner in these troubled times we are experiencing.

Oficina moderna


continuity plan
of business.

Create and have a business continuity plan that contemplates changes in the environment or important changes in the market, which contemplates, among other actions, the revision of the strategy and the objectives as well as the action plan in the face of situations of greater restriction or change of model.


address model
by objectives

It is highly recommended to have a management model by objectives that facilitates being able to manage the company and the teams, being able to work in a teleworking mode. This management model must take into account the decentralization of positions, communication and response from them.

Remote Working


Adapt IT solutions

It is essential today to adapt computer solutions for a greater increase in teleworking and digital interactions with customers and suppliers. We must be able to respond to the demand for digital communication that teleworking, remote support or e-commerce can generate.


IT security analysis

Verifying the quality of computer security systems given the increase in digital interactions is essential today. Every day we hear more news of cyber attacks or unauthorized access to business networks. The increase in and dependence on the use of networks must lead to a study and improvement of IT security.

Recogida de entrega


e-commerce platform
solid and effective.

Having a solid, effective and omnichannel e-commerce platform to be able to interact and offer customers the company's products and services with the greatest efficiency is essential today.
We can design and create your e-commerce platform and add the online sales model to your business.


Efficient customer management

Having a CRM platform to make customer management efficient is essential. We must know when we communicate and how. We must not lose touch with our clients.

At Setesca we can advise you and help you with the implementation of the CRM.

Estudio de diseño


Highly efficient and trained departments

Guarantee greater efficiency of the different departments of the company by training managers and technicians in the possibilities offered by new computer tools in this environment.


Strengthen digital, logistics and IT departments.

Strengthen the digital marketing, logistics and information technology departments to guarantee proper operation and even better position the company competitively speaking in this situation.

Paquetes en estantes


If you want more information about our services or documents you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.


Since 2007 we have been working with the conviction that process improvement and information systems are the means to achieve competitive value for our clients. At Setesca we work hard to provide technology companies with the best tools and solutions to continue growing.


We think like our clients and we know how they need to meet their needs, that is why we seek the most pragmatic, effective and competitive solutions in cost and innovation, to provide maximum added value.


The core of our value proposition is to offer our customers the expert services focused on innovation, and always based on the latest market-trends. Our services are delivered by some of the best professionals out there.

Professionals with extensive experience and high excellence in a specific mission to carry out, to help your company.
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setesca-talent copy.png
Innovative and complete talent solutions for the transformation of your business​ . Consulting tailored to you.
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Reference training center for professionals related to the world of ICT and innovation.
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Specialists in drone solutions for surveillance, monitoring, audiovisual and anti-drone systems
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The largest ecosystem of CIOs and IT managers independent of integrators and solutions​ .
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